
The Wanted Love


The Wanted Love

Myra Bhatia (25 years old) is a bold, fierce and successful woman in the business world. She is the definition of beauty with brains. There was a time she yearned for forever love and happy future but now there is no place for love in her life. Something happened in her past that made her realised that the love she wanted is not in her fate. Kabir Mehrotra (27years old) is a cold, ruthless and devilishly handsome millionaire in the world. He is known as the devil of the business world. But he is a softy for his family, especially for his younger siblings. Neither he has any flings nor he has any past relationships. He believed in love at first sight and wanted to be reserved for only one woman. What will happen when the two opposite poles stand in front of each other? Will Kabir be able to help Myra to overcome her past? Will she able to get the wanted love which she yearned for years? To know their story stay tuned💕

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